Selected Recording
"Alarippu" in tiśra eka tāla. Musicians are unidentified. The Music of India (II): Music of the Dance and Theatre of South India. (UNESCO, A Musical Anthology of the Orient, Barenreiter BM 30 L 2007).
The alarippu is organized into three main sections each of which is also divided into three sections. The musical principle in each of these sections is that of doubling the rhythmic density. The entire composition is framed by an introduction and a concluding cadential sequence.
YouTube: One of many alarippu performances on the web.

Performance Organization
Musical Idea Musical Time
Introduction 4 āvartanas
Section 1  
  slow 8 āvartanas
  medium 8 āvartanas
  fast 8 āvartanas
Section 2  
  slow 8 āvartanas
  medium 8 āvartanas
  fast 16 āvartanas
Section 3  
  slow 8 āvartanas
  medium 8 āvartanas
  fast 16 āvartanas
Cadence 11 āvartanas

Bharata Natyam Outline Review
7 March, 2017